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Frank Ackerman

1937 - 2020
In honor of Frank Ackerman
Born in 1937 in Berlin, Germany.

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Teo Mercer
I first met Franky at the Cannes Film Festival in the late '70's. By that time, I was already a big fan of his work. I had seen The Big Blue on television and I was just blown away by it. He was very kind to me when I was starting out and was very encouraging and supportive. I was working on a small film at the time, and he gave me some advice and I never forgot it. I never forgot him. He always had time for me and he was a very encouraging and supportive friend. I'm just heartbroken. He was such a lovely, lovely man.
Marina Shea
I will always remember Frank's great laugh. It always made me laugh, too. He was a wonderfully kind, generous, loving person and a friend. I will miss him very much.
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In memory of Frank Ackerman
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In Numbers
Memorial created on
Jan 17, 2021
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Nicole Brooks lighted a candle
Teo Mercer wrote a tribute
Marina Shea wrote a tribute
Memorial Online created this memorial